11月30日発売の「PAPERSKY」55号は、スウェーデン特集。本当の豊かさを追求し、幸福度の高い ライフスタイルを築いてきた北欧スウェーデン。そんなスウェーデンの人々が大切にする時間のひとつに、FIKA(フィーカ)の時間があります。フィーカとはお茶の時間のことで、友人や家族、仕事仲間と過ごすひとときのこと。今号では 菓子研究家の長田佳子さんをナビゲーターに迎え、スウェーデンの暮らしに欠かせないフィーカの時間をのぞきに、クリエイターやパティシエ、コーヒーやお茶の専門家を訪ねます。
No Fika! No Sweden.
To ‘FIKA’ is a Swedish concept, meaning simply ‘to have coffee’. ‘Fika’ happens at any time, morning, afternoon, evening and night. Fika can be savoured at home, at work or in a cafe. It can be with colleagues, family, friends, or someone you are trying to get to know.
While the act of ‘fika-ing’ is simple; the cultural connotations associated with ‘fika’ are complexly enlightening. To ‘fika’ is a Swedish social and cultural phenomenon, a legitimate reason to set aside a moment for quality time. Yes, quality time for each and every Swede! Everyday! Two or more times a day. To ‘fika’ is not just to drink coffee it’s literally a guise for living a good life; accepted and respected by individuals, the state and corporations alike.
item code: PSM055