イラストレーター間弓浩司さんによるイラストがプリントされた 第2弾!しんしん降り積もる雪のなかを、ふたりのお供を従えて歩く、ルカ門さま御一行。このTシャツを着て、日本全国津々浦々、諸国漫遊の歩く旅を楽しんでみては。
Mito Kōmon is a Japanese historical drama, Papersky's founder is Lucas. We combined these two names to create the Luca-mon character. Both Lucas and Mito Kōmon share a love for excessively walking about the country side and meeting people, discovering culture and recovering the forgotten. Snow walk through the Japanese forest is illustrated by Mayumi Koji also the illustrator for the B.B. Organic-T.
material: 5oz Organic Cotton 100%
country of origin: Honduras or Nicaragua
item code: PS037