MIYAKO ISLANDS of OKINAWA | Living as a Local
MIYAKO ISLANDS of OKINAWA | Living as a Local
旅先として国内随一の人気を誇る沖縄・宮古島。リゾートとしての魅力はもちろんのこと、大小8つの島で構成されたこの島には長い歴史と深い文化があります。 澄んだ海をはじめとする大自然、歴史とともに培われた特有の文化、そしてそこで生きる人々。 そんな宮古島をより心に刻むために、暮らすように旅してみたらどうだろうか。
少しでもその土地に根を下ろした気分で、 インスピレーションを受け、分かち合い、思いやる。 旅の後の人生に続く「暮らしの旅」を。
松本妃代/Kiyo Matsumoto
加藤雄太/Yuta Kato
Living as a Local –
In this issue of Papersky, we journey to the Miyako Islands of Okinawa, exploring one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
Our story begins on a Monday. Upon arrival, like many Miyakians, we pay our respects to the spirits at the local Utaki. The next day, in our red-tiled roof house, we peel back the paper from the calendar, revealing Tuesday. We savor locally roasted Hasaba coffee, prepare Goya chanpuru with organic eggs from Nagasaki Farm, read some pages from the Banana Yoshimoto book we brought, and share laughter and conversation. Later, we stroll into town for a haircut. As the last customers, the barber invites us to go fishing together. We watch the sunset while casting our lines before returning home to greet our friend, local artist Daichiro, who arrives in a traditional Miyako Jofu kimono. After a few cups of Awamori, we yawn under the starry night sky, stretch our arms toward the heavens, and head to bed.
Then comes Wednesday and Thursday, and we peel back the calendar each day, reminiscing about the local people and experiences we’ve encountered. Before we know it, it’s Sunday.
Our trip is not just about the destination; it’s about the experience of ‘Living as a Local’―traveling simply and absorbing daily clues from the nature, culture, and people of Miyako. This allows us to delve deeper into the Miyako Islands through our own eyes and the fresh perspectives of the island’s residents. After seven days, we feel we’ve become part of the landscape, embracing the essence of ‘Living as a Local.’
We invite you to peel back the pages of this Miyako Islands of Okinawa - ‘Living as a Local’ issue as we explore the ‘daily’ alongside our guests: artist Kiyo Matsumoto and photographer Yuta Kato.
item code: PSM071